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Maximize your study sessions at our Hub

Posted on: November 28th, 2023 by Vingtorarbeidsbar No Comments

Free Access for Students During Exam Period

At Vingtor, we understand the importance of a conducive environment for focused studying, especially during the challenging exam period. To support students in their academic endeavors, we’re thrilled to announce free access to our Hub for all students starting now and throughout the exam season.

Our Hub offers a dynamic space designed to enhance your study experience. With comfortable seating and a conducive atmosphere, it’s the ideal place to dive into your books and prepare for exams.

But that’s not all. Vingtor Café is open from 8 until 16 to provide students with access to delicious coffee and food options right here in our space. Fuel your study sessions with quality refreshments without having to step outside.

And for those much-needed study breaks, our Hub Play area awaits. Take a breather and engage in a friendly game of Fussball or Shuffleboard. It’s a fantastic way to unwind, recharge, and maintain a healthy balance during intense study sessions.

Whether you prefer quiet study corners, collaborative workspaces, or just a change of scenery, our Hub caters to diverse study preferences, ensuring that every student finds their ideal spot.

Don’t let exam stress overwhelm you. Join us at Vingtor and make the most of your study time. Remember, access is free for all students during the exam period. Seize this opportunity to study effectively, refuel with great food and drinks, and enjoy well-deserved breaks.

Study smart, recharge, and excel with us at Vingtor.

The taste of change in the center of Stavanger

Posted on: April 4th, 2023 by Vingtorarbeidsbar No Comments

At Vingtor, the traditional buffet is history. The new café concept offers a work lunch with a restaurant feel, a vibrant meeting place with flavorful dishes, and significantly less food waste.

Employees expect that their mental and physical health will be looked after and taken seriously, and many expect their employers to have a strong strategy to deal with any issues they have.

“At our café, you can enjoy delicious flavors and choose from a menu that varies with the seasons and available ingredients, while making it easy for people to make healthy choices” 

says Karl Erik Pallesen.

Pallesen is responsible for culinary affairs at Matboden, which operates the café at Vingtor Arbeidsbar. The former national team chef is excited to see the new concept flourish in the premises at the edge of Holmen in downtown Stavanger.

“We have great confidence that Vingtor will become a vibrant meeting place for those who work here, for neighbors, and for anyone else who wants to stop by.”

Goal: Less Food Waste!

The new café concept is part of an ambitious sustainability goal for Matboden’s lunch offerings, explains Pallesen.

“We waste too much food in our country, so significant changes need to happen. By 2026, we have set a goal to reduce 80 percent of food waste in our employee restaurants.”

Moving away from the traditional lunch buffet has many positive aspects, according to Pallesen.

“Our chefs ensure that the food is nutritious and flavorful, and they serve portions of the right sizes. The enjoyable restaurant experience is a good substitute for the buffet, which leads to large amounts of food waste every day.”

“Some may find it unfamiliar to have an employee restaurant without a buffet, but we are confident that it will be well received. This is food that tastes good and does good.”

Tempting Menu

A typical daily menu at the Vingtor café includes a hot lunch dish, soup of the day, salads, sandwiches, and baked goods. And, of course, excellent barista coffee!

“A really good cup of coffee is important, both on its own and as part of the meal. We have a dedicated host who welcomes you and ensures that you get to taste our high-quality barista coffee.”

The café also offers what they call “Cut-the-waste”:

“As the day nears its end, many of the dishes from the café will be sold as take-away at a good discount. It’s a great opportunity to take something tasty home or for people using the workplace in the afternoon or evening,”

says Pallesen.

The café accommodates allergies and various dietary needs like a regular restaurant.

“Bring a friend!”

Together, the menu, atmosphere, and hospitality ensure a warm welcome, whether you come from your workplace in the building or stop by for a visit.

“We believe that better food and drinks have an impact on both job satisfaction, motivation, and mood. It can be a good cup of coffee alone or with a colleague, the important lunch break, or a place to find inspiration even if you actually work elsewhere.”

In addition to providing lunch for tenants and members of Vingtor Arbeidsbar, and a café open to everyone during the day, it is possible to book premises for meetings, courses, conferences, or other events and gatherings – even outside regular opening hours. Pallesen looks forward to the times ahead:

“Having event venues like these in the city center is fantastic! We are excited for even more people to discover the offerings and opportunities at Vingtor. Welcome inside, and bring a friend!”

Matboden is an innovative supplier in catering, canteen operations, grocery production, and restaurant management. The company also operates, among others, Fisketorget Stavanger and Restaurant Grøningen in Kvitsøy.

Free your mind – and your workforce

Posted on: April 4th, 2023 by Vingtorarbeidsbar No Comments

In the race for the best minds, a good mix of office environments and trust-based leadership could become a company’s most important competitive advantage.

“Across the globe, including here in Norway, we are seeing a shift in where and how we work. New preferences from younger employees in particular are influencing what we consider a good workplace,”

Thorbjørn Olsen

Olsen assists companies in developing attractive solutions for the future of work. In the development of Vingtor Arbeidsbar’s concept, he has served as an advisor. User experiences and well-being have been central, he explains.

“While it was previously most common to talk about the physical framework of a workplace, today it is far more important to create experiences that contribute to positive culture development and a sustainable work life.”

Choice of Workplace

The pandemic contributed to a rapid and powerful change in people’s perception of physical, virtual, and hybrid work environments. When people saw what was possible outside the traditional office, new preferences emerged.

Deloitte refers to an international survey in which 64 percent of respondents say they have considered or are considering changing jobs if they are required to be physically present in the company’s office full time.

“The clear message here is freedom. Workers want the flexibility to choose the workplace they think best suits the work they need to do,” says Olsen, emphasizing that this does not mean everyone wants to sit permanently at home.

“A shared, physical workspace is still important to most people. But what we see as an attractive office has changed. Meaningful experiences and the freedom to choose spaces based on a desire for everything from silence and concentration, to learning, socializing and inspiration are something many see as valuable.”

Silent space or buzzing? Meeting, podcast recording, or workshop? See an overview of all the zones in Vingtor.

Changing Role of the Office

Changes in work methods and work culture are already starting to influence the role and design of the office. Olsen highlights four trends he believes we will see increasingly in the future:

  • Café/lunch restaurant: Traditional canteens are being replaced by more attractive catering offers at the intersection between work and social meeting place. Get to know the café at Vingtor better.
  • Concentration: Offices developed over the past 20 years have good solutions for innovation and interaction, but fewer opportunities for concentrated work. Now reading rooms, quiet rooms, libraries, and other focus zones are being developed.
  • Co-working environments: More and more companies see the need for their own remote offices outside the headquarters, where employees can be part of a social environment on the days they are not working elsewhere. This is, for example, relevant for companies that recruit employees from other parts of the country than where the headquarters are located.
  • Well-being: Experiences around community and well-being will become even more central in the future. Surveys from England, among others, show that up to 20 percent in some companies feel lonely at work.

He also highlights the green shift, digitalization, and the use of artificial intelligence as central change agents in the future of work and offices.

Trust-Based Leadership

New work patterns require that management groups see the value of trust-based leadership, says Olsen.

“To handle these changes with conservative Command-and-Control Performance Management will most likely not succeed. Forced control and measurements have been shown to weaken productivity, in addition to such methods being demotivating.

“Trust-based leadership is a competitive advantage in the sense that more people want to do a good job when they enjoy it. And when more people do a good job, it usually also shows on the bottom line. Better facilitated working life with a greater degree of freedom is a win-win situation as I see it,”

Thorbjørn Olsen

It’s not about anarchy, he points out.

“It is possible to have clear goals that together ensure that we are all moving in the same direction, without dictating when and how each individual should work. ‘No size fits all’ and ‘People Centric Solutions’ are two important buzzwords in this context.”

Valuable Engagement

An engaged workforce is undoubtedly something most business leaders desire. The analytics company Gallup, which regularly measures employee engagement worldwide, points to many benefits of good engagement culture at work: higher productivity, lower turnover, better profits, and higher customer loyalty.

“But the measurements also show that the level of engagement is declining. Many business leaders have something to work on here, especially in a market with low unemployment and fierce competition for today’s and future talents,” says Olsen.

So how does one succeed in increasing engagement?

“The most important thing is to think about culture and experiences in the community. An organization where employees see meaning in what they do, where there is room for development, and where people feel seen and taken care of by management and colleagues, is important for building engagement.”

Many Generations Together

A good mix of office environments also correlates with another important factor: the mix of generations. Olsen explains:

“People born in 1980 and later will make up almost 70 percent of the workforce in a few years. The arrival of younger generations will cause the biggest changes in working life, as I understand it.

“Younger generations, such as Gen Z and Millennials, are the ones most concerned about adapting their calendar and workplace to where they perform best. Younger and older generations also have different motivations for wanting flexibility.

In some companies, up to five generations may be working together. Understanding and recognizing the differences between various generations is therefore necessary to succeed with future office solutions, he says.

“In the development of new office environments, it is important to design rooms that cater to a wide range of needs and adaptability options. And it is probably especially important to focus on the preferences of younger generations. I believe there is much to gain from that.”

Making your workspace work

Posted on: April 4th, 2023 by Vingtorarbeidsbar No Comments

Where Do People Work Best? Vingtor Has the Answer!

“There’s no definitive answer to where people work best, and that’s why Vingtor exists! Freedom and variety are necessary to work effectively and thrive,” says Frode Gyland.

Frode Gydland

Gyland is the Property Director at the investment company Herfo and responsible for Vingtor Arbeidsbar. The new concept, which opened in May, is Herfo’s response to a changing work environment, according to Gyland.

“People desire the freedom to work where they can perform tasks best. This was our starting point when developing the concept that has become Vingtor Arbeidsbar.

” A workplace is so much more than physical spaces. It should encompass value creation, opportunities, and community. It’s about meeting the requirements and expectations of what constitutes an attractive workplace and how we can enhance efficiency and well-being through excellent solutions.”

Boosting the workday

Vingtor is available to tenants in the DSD Building and DSD Front, but it’s also possible to become a member of the work bar without any other affiliation to the buildings. And, you can also drop by as a guest.

“Vingtor is open to everyone. We offer an exciting combination of spaces with an atmosphere and flexibility that we know many appreciate. The goal is to provide facilities, content, and interaction that increase competitiveness for tenants and members.”

Interested in how a mix of office spaces can provide a competitive advantage for companies? You can read more about it in this article.

For many, the work bar serves as an inspiring extension of their own offices, says Gyland.

“Vingtor is filled with opportunities and experiences that enhance the workday. It is valuable for both today’s talents and tomorrow’s.”

Open to all

The work bar at the edge of Holmen in downtown Stavanger consists of areas tailored to different types of work and community. Many can find their space of possibilities here, regardless of company size.

Buzz or silence? Video meeting or workshop? Gathering or solitude? Startup or established company? Every day or occasionally? The answer is yes, says Gyland, listing examples of companies that can find their place at Vingtor:

  • Companies seeking an urban hub/external office in the city center
  • Companies in need of a project office for a period
  • Companies looking to offer employees “creative space”
  • Companies aiming to attract young talents
  • Companies desiring a social environment with good food and drinks
  • Entrepreneurs and small businesses seeking community and networking

See descriptions of all areas at Vingtor here

“We know that many companies require space- and cost-effective solutions that provide increased professional and social leeway, and contribute to increased employee engagement. It’s gratifying for us to offer this to tenants and other businesses,”

Frode Gydland

A bit of the past, mostly the future

The new work bar is located in premises where history and the future have merged: The headquarters of Det Stavangerske Dampskibsselskap (DSD) and the commercial building DSD Front from 2020.

“The DSD Building from 1971 is a landmark in Stavanger, while DSD Front is a modern interpretation of traditional waterfront buildings. Vingtor combines these two buildings in an excellent way, in our opinion.”

The name Vingtor is also historically rooted. DSD’s hydrofoil boat “Vingtor” made history in 1960 when it embarked on its first high-speed boat trip between Stavanger and Bergen.

“HF ‘Vingtor’ marked the beginning of the Norwegian era of high-speed boats, so we believe that Vingtor is the right name for the place that will usher us into a new workday, Gyland adds. 

Good follow-up with a dedicated host

Excellent hosting is an essential part of the Vingtor concept. One of those responsible for providing a pleasant welcome and follow-up is Kjetil Gustavson.

“A good host lowers the threshold for good meetings and experiences. We will deliver first-class service and support, but I am also passionate about connecting people who can discover new opportunities together.”

Kjetil Gustavson

Gustavson will, among other things, ensure a professional and social program in the “Play Space” area of Vingtor.

“This part of the premises is perfect for both shared and individual gatherings during the day and after working hours. It features its own DJ desk, large screen, grandstand, shuffleboard, and other elements that contribute to an informal atmosphere with many possibilities.”

Hungry, thirsty for coffee, or just curious? Check out Vingtor’s own café.

Welcome inside!

Gyland, Gustavson, and the rest of the team are excited to see Vingtor Arbeidsbar become a space for great conversations, meetings, results, opportunities, and meals. Simply put, great workdays.”Well-being and community are important success factors when it comes to competing for talented individuals. We want to contribute to the success of more people and look forward to what lies ahead,” says Gyland.