Where Do People Work Best? Vingtor Has the Answer!
“There’s no definitive answer to where people work best, and that’s why Vingtor exists! Freedom and variety are necessary to work effectively and thrive,” says Frode Gyland.
Frode Gydland
Gyland is the Property Director at the investment company Herfo and responsible for Vingtor Arbeidsbar. The new concept, which opened in May, is Herfo’s response to a changing work environment, according to Gyland.
“People desire the freedom to work where they can perform tasks best. This was our starting point when developing the concept that has become Vingtor Arbeidsbar.
” A workplace is so much more than physical spaces. It should encompass value creation, opportunities, and community. It’s about meeting the requirements and expectations of what constitutes an attractive workplace and how we can enhance efficiency and well-being through excellent solutions.”
Boosting the workday
Vingtor is available to tenants in the DSD Building and DSD Front, but it’s also possible to become a member of the work bar without any other affiliation to the buildings. And, you can also drop by as a guest.

“Vingtor is open to everyone. We offer an exciting combination of spaces with an atmosphere and flexibility that we know many appreciate. The goal is to provide facilities, content, and interaction that increase competitiveness for tenants and members.”
Interested in how a mix of office spaces can provide a competitive advantage for companies? You can read more about it in this article.
For many, the work bar serves as an inspiring extension of their own offices, says Gyland.
“Vingtor is filled with opportunities and experiences that enhance the workday. It is valuable for both today’s talents and tomorrow’s.”
Open to all
The work bar at the edge of Holmen in downtown Stavanger consists of areas tailored to different types of work and community. Many can find their space of possibilities here, regardless of company size.
Buzz or silence? Video meeting or workshop? Gathering or solitude? Startup or established company? Every day or occasionally? The answer is yes, says Gyland, listing examples of companies that can find their place at Vingtor:
- Companies seeking an urban hub/external office in the city center
- Companies in need of a project office for a period
- Companies looking to offer employees “creative space”
- Companies aiming to attract young talents
- Companies desiring a social environment with good food and drinks
- Entrepreneurs and small businesses seeking community and networking
See descriptions of all areas at Vingtor here.
“We know that many companies require space- and cost-effective solutions that provide increased professional and social leeway, and contribute to increased employee engagement. It’s gratifying for us to offer this to tenants and other businesses,”
Frode Gydland
A bit of the past, mostly the future
The new work bar is located in premises where history and the future have merged: The headquarters of Det Stavangerske Dampskibsselskap (DSD) and the commercial building DSD Front from 2020.
“The DSD Building from 1971 is a landmark in Stavanger, while DSD Front is a modern interpretation of traditional waterfront buildings. Vingtor combines these two buildings in an excellent way, in our opinion.”
The name Vingtor is also historically rooted. DSD’s hydrofoil boat “Vingtor” made history in 1960 when it embarked on its first high-speed boat trip between Stavanger and Bergen.
“HF ‘Vingtor’ marked the beginning of the Norwegian era of high-speed boats, so we believe that Vingtor is the right name for the place that will usher us into a new workday, Gyland adds.

Good follow-up with a dedicated host
Excellent hosting is an essential part of the Vingtor concept. One of those responsible for providing a pleasant welcome and follow-up is Kjetil Gustavson.
“A good host lowers the threshold for good meetings and experiences. We will deliver first-class service and support, but I am also passionate about connecting people who can discover new opportunities together.”
Kjetil Gustavson
Gustavson will, among other things, ensure a professional and social program in the “Play Space” area of Vingtor.
“This part of the premises is perfect for both shared and individual gatherings during the day and after working hours. It features its own DJ desk, large screen, grandstand, shuffleboard, and other elements that contribute to an informal atmosphere with many possibilities.”
Hungry, thirsty for coffee, or just curious? Check out Vingtor’s own café.
Welcome inside!
Gyland, Gustavson, and the rest of the team are excited to see Vingtor Arbeidsbar become a space for great conversations, meetings, results, opportunities, and meals. Simply put, great workdays.”Well-being and community are important success factors when it comes to competing for talented individuals. We want to contribute to the success of more people and look forward to what lies ahead,” says Gyland.